State Governor Phil Scott (VT)
State Government: Agencies/Departments/Divisions | Elected Statewide Officeholders
Recent News About State Governor Phil Scott (VT)
Game Wardens and State Police Urge Vermonters to Boat Safely this Fourth of July Weekend
The Vermont Warden Service and Vermont State Police are asking Vermonters to boat responsibly this Fourth of July weekend, as part of the nationwide Operation Dry Water campaign to reduce alcohol and drug related boating injuries through education and more visible deterrence.
Londonderry Landowners Fined for Wetland Disturbance and Act 250 Permit Violations
The Agency of Natural Resources Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) announced on June 26, 2023 that Reggie C. Cyr and Mountain View Storage LLC, owners of three properties in Londonderry, were fined $19,365.72 for construction that was not authorized under their Act 250 Land Use Permit and for disturbing Class II wetlands and their buffers, and two stream buffers, without authorization.
Department of Public Service Seeking Nominations for Stakeholder Advisory Group for Renewable Electricity Technical Analysis by July 5
As part of the effort to review Vermont's Renewable Energy Standard (RES) and relate programs, the Department of Public Service (Department) is conducting a technical analysis to review different options for modifying or expanding the current RES requirement of 75% renewable to a 100% requirement of renewable and/or carbon-free resources, taking into consideration recommendations made in the 2022 Comprehensive Energy Plan and 2021 Climate Action Plan.
Electric Fencing Offers Protection Against Chicken Predation
Keeping a small flock of chickens at home to provide eggs and meat has become increasingly popular, but many first-time small-scale poultry farmers are discovering that several species of wildlife like the taste of chicken as much as we do.
Vermont DMV Closed on July 4 in Honor of Independence Day
Vermont DMV Closed on July 4 in Honor of Independence Day
Vermont Turkey Brood Survey Starts July 1
The Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department is seeking the public’s help with monitoring wild turkeys.
PUC Seeks Members to Serve on Electric System Planning Committee
The Vermont Public Utility Commission (PUC) is seeking to fill two positions on the Vermont System Planning Committee (“VSPC”) – an alternate representing residential electric consumers, and an alternate representing commercial and industrial electric consumers.
Vermont’s Summer Free Fishing Day is this Saturday, June 10
Vermont’s annual, statewide Summer Free Fishing Day is this Saturday, June 10, and it will be highlighted by a free family fishing festival in Grand Isle as well as opening day of the state’s regular bass fishing season.
6-12-23 & 6-19-23 Meetings Announced for The VT NDCAP Federal Nuclear Waste Policy Committee
The Federal Nuclear Waste Policy (FNWP) Committee of the Vermont Nuclear Decommissioning Citizens Advisory Panel (VT NDCAP) will hold meetings on June 12th and June 19, 2023.
Public Reminded to Not Disturb Spawning Sea Lamprey in Connecticut River Drainage
The Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department is reminding anglers and the public to avoid disturbing spawning sea lamprey that may currently be found in the Connecticut River and several of its tributaries.
Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance Sets Dates for Operation Safe Driver Week
The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA), a leading organization dedicated to promoting road safety, has recently announced the dates for this year's Operation Safe Driver Week.
Work Zone Safety is in Your Hands
Work zones require everyone to stay alert and be prepared for sudden changes that distracted drivers may not notice in time to prevent a crash.
Fires and Swimming are Prohibited at Fishing Access Areas
With the beginning of summer and anglers fishing from shore, the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department reminds people that open fires and swimming are prohibited at all Vermont state fishing access areas.
Protect Grassland Birds by Mowing Later
Bobolinks, Savannah sparrows and eastern meadowlarks enrich our summers with their songs, but their populations have suffered dramatic, long-term declines due to the loss of their grassland habitat.
Visor cards available to help people with hearing loss communicate with law enforcement
Vermonters can obtain visor cards at any DMV office.
Bear Conflicts are Expected to Increase in June, Officials Increase Bear Coexistence Outreach
The Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department is increasing outreach efforts to encourage Vermont residents and visitors to get ahead of an anticipated jump in bear conflicts this June.
‘Homes for All’ Project Launches to Jumpstart ‘Missing Middle’ Style Homes
The Vermont Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) kicked off a new initiative on May 25, 2023, “Homes for All: A ‘Design & Do’ Toolkit for Small-scale Home Builders, Investors & Community Leaders.”
New Driver Training Schools
Exciting News!
Muzzleloader Antlerless Deer Permit Applications Available
Vermont’s muzzleloader season antlerless deer permit applications are now available online at Vermont Fish and Wildlife’s website and from license agents.
Turtles on the Roadway Need Your Help
Vermont’s turtles are on the move, and the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department is asking for the public’s help in keeping them safe.